Is there anything better than having a clean, even-toned skin complexion? Many would argue and so no. This is because a clear skin tone is known to produce wonders, both physically and psychologically.
In the physical world, it shows that you are tidy and put a lot of effort into your appearance. This could be beneficial to making a good first impression for a job interview or delivering presentations for a corporate function. Additionally, from a psychological perspective, this gives you the confidence to deliver those presentations to the best of your ability without being conscious of the dark areas of your skin’s appearance.
For many guys, having dark marks on one’s skin can be a negative thing, and they find themselves unable to escape the situation. This is because many of the dark areas of one’s skin are often located around the neck and jaw areas. Dark marks are mostly caused by razor bumps and ingrown hairs, which come from shaving.
Additionally, the reputable medical source, Medicine Net, added that it may also be caused by, “hormonal disorders, sun exposure, and drug-induced or other skin-related conditions.”
However, none of these are permanent, which is why, with the right skincare routine and a healthy diet, you could experience visible improvement.
La Roche Posay, a renowned skincare company, recommends trying the following skincare routine to ensure that your skin is restored to its natural colour and remains even.
Wash your face regularly – This is seen as an essential part of removing dead skin cells, especially when used with an exfoliator.
Moisturise – Having a good moisturiser is a good way to seal in moisture, especially if you have dry skin.
Use retinol – “Retinol helps the skin cells function more effectively and promote collagen production, which will help fight off any unwanted wrinkles or blemishes.” This is perfect when combining it with SPF to protect your skin from the sun.
Buy a proper razor – Invest in purchasing a razor that doesn’t cause friction on your skin, this is what results in razor bumps and the eventual darkening of the skin.
Additionally, Medicine Net explains that having 8 to 10 glasses of water per day is the best form of hydration to help improve one’s skin tone and texture. While fruits and vegetables provide an added benefit.
“One may also consider taking nutritional supplements, especially Vitamin C, Vitamin B, Vitamin E, and omega-3 fatty acids, because they help in maintaining good health,” explains the above-mentioned source.
Also see: Ultimate student skincare routine guide | Bona Magazine