If you constantly wonder why you need to wash your hair every now and then, this article will help you to understand why it is important to wash your hair often.
Here are some of the reasons why you need to wash your hair more often according to beauty blogger Stephanie Hallett from HelloGiggles blog.
To prevent dandruff
If you are like me and you have a high production of sebum which is the natural oil produced by the scalp then you need to consider washing your hair more often. You can use a shampoo to break down and remove sebum. This will help you prevent dandruff and other scalp problems, says Stephanie.
To maintain a healthy scalp
According to HelloGiggles, your scalp is the most delicate ecosystem and it needs to stay clean and healthy, therefore, washing your hair often can help remove dead skin cells and excess oil from your scalp. This helps with keeping hair follicles healthy and prevents scalp problems like itchiness, irritation and dryness.
To keep hair healthy and shiny
The use of shampoo can remove dirt, oil and product build up making your hair look healthier and shinier. Washing your hair regularly can help make the hair cuticles smooth, resulting in less frizzy hair, added Stephanie.
To prevent split ends
Split ends are caused by dry damaged hair, using shampoo when washing your hair can help with moisturising the hair to prevent split ends. Washing your hair can help with the removal of particles that can cause damage to it.
To remove product build up
As time goes by, hair products such as gel, hairspray and mousse can build up on your scalp, using shampoo more regularly can help you remove the product build up and keep your hair looking and feeling it’s best, says Stephanie.
According to, William Gaunitz Trichologist who is a hair loss expert, here are some other things you should know about your hair.