For the first time in my life, I decided to up my braid game and opted for french curls, and they are my absolut favourite. however, when I tell you that maintaining them is a job and a half, believe me.
It’s definitely not a hairstyle for lazy girlies I must say, the beauty, the glow and the bounciness of the curls come at a cost, but it’s al worth it. So I’ll take you through my daily routine that I perform twice a day ( you’d swear I’m managing a 4C type afro), in the morning and at night.
So, I used the Darling French Curls hairpiece and I love it! It is so soft and so light on my head it’s refreshing. I’ve had my braids for a week now and my curls are still as new as the first day. I was worried at first because I didn’t know what products I was supposed to use to keep the curls healthy and I didn’t have them, but thanks to TikTok I found my helpful videos.
Night Routine
Before I sleep, I section my braids into four parts, then moisturise them gently with a leave-in conditioner, I use the Afri Tue brand from Clicks. After that, I use the ORS Olive Oil Mousse and easily apply it to each section.
When all four sections of the braids are moisturised, I plait each one of them all that way to the end, then I end up with four plaited braids. I tuck them into my satin bonnet and go to sleep. The plaiting is to preserve the curls.
Morning routine
In the mornings, I undo the four plaits and apply a moisturising spray to my scalp. I use the Laxi Nutri-Rich Oil Moisture Spray, but one can even use a hairfood. I then pretty much repeat the same process as that in the evenings, except this time when applying the products I make sure to grab the curls with my hand at the bottom and sort of wrinkle them to make sure they are not straightened.
Also see: Benefits of holy basil for scalp