Cleaning your eyelash extensions might be challenging due to their susceptibility to dirt, but you can get them done and maintain their cleanliness in the convenience of your own home.
After your lash appointment, the lash tech will inform you not to fall asleep on your lash extensions and to avoid wearing eye makeup that will most likely leave your eyelash extensions dirty.
TikToker @zandysutton who often creates different DIY beauty products on a budget, provided her followers with tips on how you can clean your eyelash extension using products available in your home.
What you will need:
- 36g Distilled water.
- 12g Tear-free shampoo.
- 2g Bicarbonate of soda.
The creator says that this solution makes for a 50g foaming pump bottle cleanser. Preferably always make small quantities like this so you can change it frequently for new lashes you want to clean.
@zandysutton Heres a recipe for your DIY Lash Cleaner 36g Distilled Water 12g Tear-free shampoo 2g Bicarbonate of Soda This makes for a 50g foamimg pump bottle cleanser. Preferably always make small quantities like this so you can change it frequently for new lashes you want to clean 💛 #diyskincare #skincaresouthafrica #skincarecommunity_za #skincarerecipesouthafrica #nogatekeepingsouthafrica #plugsouthafrica #eyelashextensions #eyelashcleanser #eyelashfoamcleanser #diyeyelashcleanser #oilfreelashcleanser #diylashcleanser #diylashcleaning #diylashshampoo #lashshampoo #lashshampooturorial #lashshampoomaking ♬ Kawaii Aesthetic – LoES
TikTok users were grateful for this life hack with some thanking the creator in the comment section.
One user asked if it’s the baking soda solution that causes the foam or if it’s the bottle that you use.
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