Get some shoe inspiration from our cover star and birthday girl Lerato Kgangyago, who is climbing the success ladder in style.
Blue platforms

Lerato shines bright in a pair of blue suede shoes with a touch of embellishment. The blocked heel gives them an interesting fashion edge.
Brown tassels

There’s a bit of a tassel craze going on at the moment and we are obsessed with these strappy fringed heels. Ladies, take note: these shoes will be swarming the market in spring.
Grey thigh-high boots

There is no denying that thigh-high boots are the shoe of the season. Lerato gives hers maximum exposure by pairing them with shorts.

Metallic tones are the quickest way to get noticed. Lerato definitely gets heads turning in these sparkly beauties.
White ankle straps

Any woman who can pull off sky-high platforms with ease is a woman after our fashion hearts. White heels will always be closet favourites, but this particular pair takes first place.
Heeled boots

Tan boots are every girl’s best friend in winter. Not only do they add height, they will also give your leg great shape. We love this Timberland-inspired pair with a trendy 90s throwback feel.
Blue strappy

This is love at first sight. Lerato has our jealousy levels shooting up to uncontrollable levels.
Black and studded

We not only want these shoes, we need them! They are serious statement makers and our shoe fetish is officially been cemented.