Cover yourself and your family in just minutes using your cellphone, tablet or computer with Assupol instantFuneral™ Plan. And, just look at all the benefits.
Getting life cover has never been so easy – now you can get cover for you or your family on your cellphone, tablet or computer. In minutes you can have the peace of mind that comes with having a funeral cover that will pay out in the event of your death or that of a family member.
The Assupol instantFuneral™ Plan
There are two Assupol instantFuneral™plans available – Single and Family Plan. The Single Plan offers cover for the main life insured. The Family Plan offers cover for the main life insured,
1 spouse and children under 21 at the start of the benefit.
Just some of the benefits you can expect from Assupol instantFuneral™ Plan
- Apply over your phone, tablet or computer.
- Cover within minutes for you or your family.
- Flexible cover suited to your needs.
- No medical tests or declarations of health required.
- Accidental death benefit starts immediately and is automatically included, and R5 000 is paid if a life insured dies because of an accident.
- Valid, registered claims paid in 24 hours or less.
- Optional retrenchment benefit available.
- Optional cashback option available.
- Assupol On-Call and Assupol On-Call Plus benefit may be added for all the lives insured.
- The Paid-up Feature is standard for Assupol instantFuneral™ Plans where the main life insured is younger than 55 years at the start of the benefit.
Family Income Benefit
An optional benefit to add to your Assupol policy, the Family Income Benefit pays R1 000 per month for six months on the death of the main life insured.
Memorial Benefit
Also an optional benefit to add to your Assupol instantFuneral™ policy is the Memorial Benefit. It provides for the payment of the benefit amount for either 5 or 11 months after the death of the life insured. This benefit can be added to any of the insured persons.
Cashback benefit
Another of the optional benefits that may be added to your policy is a Cashback benefit. If you include this, a part of the premiums that you have paid over a four-year period will be paid back to the policyholder. This benefit is not affected by claims made during the four-year period.
Premium Waiver Death Benefit
The optional Premium Waiver Death Benefit is available on the Family Plan. This benefit ends the premiums on the death of the main life insured, but benefit amounts remain level. No further persons may be added to the policy after this happens.
Premium Waiver Retrenchment Benefit
Another optional benefit is the Premium Waiver Retrenchment Benefit that is available on both the Single Plan and Family Plan of the Assupol instantFuneral™ policy. This ensures that premiums don’t have to be paid for up to six months if the policyholder is retrenched.
To find out more or apply for the Assupol instantFuneral™ Plan, visit assupol.co.za and click on “funeral cover”.
Assupol – Serving those who serve since 1913