How Olympians mentally prepare for events Participating in a competition is always nerve-wracking because you want to be your absolute best. E...
Here’s why workout make-up is a no-go You always want to look cute while breaking a sweat but wearing makeup at the gym is a definite no. ...
Effective exercises for your back Often, on our fitness journeys, we tend to focus on visible muscles like the abs, arms, and legs. Ho...
Fun facts about incline walking Do we all remember the viral 12-3-30 treadmill trend from a few years ago? It involved setting the t...
Tips on exercising with precaution in winter Yes, you need to be careful when getting your sweat in the middle of winter. While we don’t need t...
Effective ways of building muscle Having a good physique while enjoying the warmer summer weather is one of the best rewards that any ...
Differences between weight loss and weight gain As we embark on our fitness journey, we tend to target certain parts of our body. Knowing what areas...
Benefits of strength training at the gym To achieve peak health, the body must be maintained regularly. Building and maintaining strong muscl...
Trying to build muscle? These are foods you should avoid If your New Year resolved to improve your fitness with the goal of building muscle, you’ll know by...
5 Tips to grow your glutes at home Getting enough exercise is important for maintaining good health, but you don’t necessarily ha...
The beginner’s guide to working out: Where to start Starting your fitness journey can seem like a very difficult thing to do, especially if you are gene...
Calisthenics exercises you should introduce to your daily routine The habit of only working on our bodies towards summer is something we should have all let go of in ...