It is normal for you to have a few hair strands on your comb after styling you hair – that’s how the hair growth cycle works. Receding hairline is one of the biggest struggles and if not taken care off this could leave you bald.
What causes hair loss?
Telogen Effluvium happens after most major surgeries, pregnancy, stress or even drastic weight loss where you shed a large amount of hair every day. This is sometimes side effects from certain medication.
Hereditary hair loss is known as androgenetic alopecia which is hair loss genes inherited from either parent. In most cases the hairline will always be thin and never grow.
Unhealthy scalp can cause an irritation that makes it difficult for hair to grow. Skin conditions such as dandruff (appears when hair extensions pull on the hair causing the roots to come out), fungal infections such as ringworms also cause hair loss.
Over styling and overusing hair chemicals, heat (blow drying, hair straighteners) and trichotillomania (pulling tightly on the hair over and over until it doesn’t grow back when braiding and weaving) are some of the major reasons for receding hairlines.
Recover and repair
Scalp massage: Use your finger tips to massage argan, castor or coconut oil in a circular motion to stimulate circulation, pump hair follicles with nutrients from the body and promote hair growth.
Moisture: Always keep your hairline moisturised to prevent it drying out and breaking.