Deep dive into different phases of menstrual cycle Your menstrual cycle isn’t just about that one dreaded week—it’s a whole monthly journey with ...
Walk your way to wellness : Try interval walking for weight loss Walking is already one of the easiest ways to stay active, but if you tweak your pace just a little,...
Turn your comfort foods into healthier meals Comfort foods have an undeniable appeal. They bring a sense of nostalgia, warmth, and satisfaction, ...
How safe are multivitamins for overall health and wellness? In a world where convenience is queen, multivitamins seem like the perfect solution for covering all...
DIY self care: Create your own spa vibe at home Who says you need a fancy spa day to feel pampered? With a little creativity (and maybe a do-not-dis...
The correct way to do wall squats and their benefits Wall squats might look easy—until you try holding one for more than a few seconds and your legs st...
Need a pick-me-up? Try these emotional wellness hacks Some days, your mood just refuses to cooperate—whether it’s the weather, a stressful inbox, or j...
This is why you need to start chewing gum Chewing gum isn’t just for fresh breath or looking busy when you don’t know what to do with your...
South African’s new go-to for nutrition and weight management With fast-paced lifestyles becoming the norm, South Africans are constantly looking for quick and nu...
Think chia seeds are always healthy? Not when combined with these foods Chia seeds have earned their status as a superfood due to their impressive nutritional profile. They...
The benefits and the not-so-sweet effects of sugar alcohols Sugar alcohols sound like something you’d find at a candy-themed party, but they’re highly u...
Tips to regulate your blood pressure High blood pressure has a sneaky way of creeping up, often without any obvious symptoms, until one d...