If you are worried that your friend is suicidal, one of the best things you can do is to be there for them.
Here are some of the things you can do to help, suggested by Psychology Today – the world’s largest mental health and behavioural science destination publication – and MedicalNewsToday – a publication that strives for a deeper understanding of health.
1. Be a good listener
According to Psychology Today, it is important to give your friend a safe space to talk about their feelings without judgement. You should also avoid being dismissal and don’t downplay their feelings.
The above-mentioned source also says one should not give advice or try to solve their problem, you should instead listen and be supportive.
2. Encourage professional help
Psychology Today suggests that it is crucial to encourage your friend that help is available, while also reminding them that seeking professional help is not a sign of weakness. You can always help them to understand the benefit of the treatment.
3. Stay connected
Being socially isolated is one of the risks of suicide, encourage your friend to do activities like taking a walk and playing games so that they do not feel lonely, says MedicalNewsToday.
4. Help find purpose
The above-mentioned source adds that the sense of hopelessness and despair can drive someone to having suicidal thoughts. A way to combat this can be by helping your friend find their purpose in life. It could be a hobby or passion which can help them stay connected.
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