Are you experiencing discomfort due to bloating? It can be very uncomfortable, but there are ways that nature can help. In addition to improving the taste of your food, several spices are good for your digestive system.
These five spices, such as turmeric and potent fennel, can help lessen bloating and support digestive health. Incorporating these spices into your diet may provide the relief you are seeking.
HealthShots states that bloating is the sensation of having a full, constricted, or swollen abdomen after eating. Constant digestion problems and bloating are quite uncomfortable and interfere with day-to-day living. It frequently results from overeating, excessive gas production, or underlying digestive problems.
Here are 5 spices that can significantly reduce bloating and improve your health overall.
Fennel seeds
The above health source adds that compounds like anethole which are found in fennel seeds have anti-inflammatory and anti-digestion effects. A happier, less bloated stomach can result from chewing fennel seeds or adding fennel to your meals.
“Incorporating turmeric into your diet not only adds a warm, earthy flavour but also reduces bloating and discomfort,” according to the source mentioned above.
The above-mentioned source claims, “Cumin is not just a flavourful spice, it also offers digestive benefits. It contains compounds that stimulate the production of digestive enzymes, aiding in the breakdown of food and preventing the accumulation of gas in the digestive tract.”
Black pepper
According to the Health publication, “The compounds in black pepper also encourage blood flow to the GI tract and help stimulate the release of digestive enzymes necessary to digest food. With better digestion comes less bloating.”
The publication also states that coriander has antimicrobial qualities that may promote a balanced gut flora. Additionally, it supports antioxidant processes that assist the body in eliminating free radicals and lower inflammation.
The health hub adds that when using spices to treat bloating, consider the following:
- Adding them to smoothies and steeping them for hot tea
- Making curries and using them in salads
- Adding them to salad dressings