There are many reasons why breasts may hurt, some are serious and need urgent attention, while others are not so serious and will eventually go away on their own.
At times, even those not-so-serious situations can carry a lot of pain and can make a person very uncomfortable. It is always important to quickly turn to your healthcare provider should you experience uncomfortable pain around your breast even though you had gotten a lighter diagnosis before, as the pain may mean a development into something more serious.
Following are five reasons why breasts sometimes hurt as provided by WebMD. It is however always important that you visit your healthcare provider for a medical diagnosis.
Fibrocystic Breast Changes
This is likely linked to hormones, as well. Fibrous tissue (breast tissue that’s scar-like or ropey) and cysts (fluid-filled sacs) form in your breasts. It can be painful, but it’s normal and usually harmless. About half of women in their 20s to 50s get it. You don’t need treatment unless your symptoms are severe.
Extramammary Breast Pain
This pain feels like it’s coming from your breasts. But it’s actually radiating from somewhere else, often the chest wall. Usually, the pain gets better with rest, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory meds (NSAIDs), and sometimes cortisone injections. If you strain your pectoralis major muscle (that’s located beneath and around your breasts) it also can feel like your breasts are the source of the pain. This can result from activities like lifting, raking, and shoveling.
Trauma to a particular area of your breast — such as from having surgery or getting implants — can cause breast pain. Sometimes an injury can cause a breast vein to swell and a blood clot to form. Though painful, it’s usually not serious.
Certain prescription meds, as well as hormone medications, can cause breast pain. These include some heart medications and psychiatric drugs.
Breastfeeding itself can cause nipple pain as your baby latches on to them. It may feel like a sharp pinch. It could also cause your nipples to crack and bleed. You can ease the soreness with things like ointments, or even rubbing a few drops of milk over your nipples to soften them before you start.
Also see: Causes and symptoms of fibrocystic breast disease