Having diarrhea can be one of the most uncomfortable experiences that any human being can experience.
The constant running to the bathroom as well as the uncontrollable stomach rumbling is something that controls much of our world whenever we find ourselves in this space. Not only are we sometimes at our weakest, but this also leads us to seeking several solutions to overcome this unpleasant situation.
Fortunately, there is light at the end of the tunnel. This is because there are multiple different foods as well as liquids that you can consume to help stabilise your gut.
Below is a few:
Due to the high amounts of fluid loss that comes with having diarrhea, there is a great chance for individuals to become dehydrated. According to health and wellness publication Healthline, people that are most at risk of facing the consequences of becoming dehydrated are children and older people.
The publication adds that it is therefore important that individuals replace the number of fluids lost by drinking enough water or sports drinks. Avoid gas or alcohol as this could worsen the situation.
Have a decent recovery diet
The International Foundation for Gastrointestinal Disorders (IFFGD) recommends having smaller portions of food during the recovery period. According to Medical News Today having foods that are high in sodium and potassium are proven to be extremely beneficial. These foods include bananas, and boiled potatoes. Another alternative is low fibre foods like yogurt, meat and noodles.
Bland Foods
According to wellness hub – VeryWellHealth, eating bland foods such as cereal, skinless chicken breasts and baked potatoes are proven to be beneficial and easy to digest during the recovery process.
“Children with mild diarrhea who aren’t vomiting can continue eating their normal diet. If your child begins vomiting and their diarrhea becomes more severe, it’s best to reach out to their healthcare provider,” adds the above-mentioned publication.
Also see: Why you experience diarrhoea during your period