Suffering from foot corns and calluses can literally take your day from best to worst in a few seconds.
Severe foot corns are worst as they can sometimes make it difficult to wear closed shoes. In extreme cases with finance available, a person may undergo an operation to help with the problem. For those who cannot afford to undergo the knife, we’ve compiled a few at home remedies that may help provided by Healthy Focus.
- Crush up 4 or 5 aspirin tablets then mix them well in a solution made with water and apple cider vinegar.
- When you have just the right quantity to produce a smooth paste, rub it onto your corns or calluses and hold the paste in place with a bandage.
- After 30 minutes or so, remove the bandage and the corn should be sufficiently soft to rub off with a pumice stone.
Castor oil is a surprisingly effective remedy for corns. It can be applied easily to the affected areas and will help to soften the rough skin making it easier to remove.
- Take a cotton swab, dip it into your castor oil and dab it onto your corn.
- Cover it up with a bandage or tape and leave it on overnight.
The good old lemon is another excellent home remedy to remove corns from the feet. The acid contained by the fruit helps to soften up the rough, hard skin allowing it to drop away more easily.
- Apply the juice of a fresh lemon to your corn or callus several times a day but make sure that you let it dry well.
- An alternative option is to combine your lemon juice with cloves. Soak a couple of cloves in a tablespoon or so of fresh lemon juice and after 10 or so minutes apply the juice to your corn or callus. Allow the corn to dry and repeat the treatment twice each day.
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