The benefits of plants go far beyond aesthetics. Humans have a firm connection with flowers, plants, and trees, which is why we like to have them in our homes.
Interior landscaping and plants play a vital role in providing a pleasant and tranquil environment in which to move, work, and relax.
Below we have compiled a few science-backed benefits of indoor plants.
Indoor plants may help reduce stress levels – plants in your home or office can have a calming effect, making you feel more comfortable, soothed, and natural. Real plants can also sharpen your attention, adds Healthline – a health and wellness, physical and mental health information centre.
Working with plants can be therapeutic and may help you recover from illness faster – for people who experience the symptoms of mental illness, indoor gardening can be helpful. Researchers have used horticultural therapy to increase feelings of well-being among people with depression, anxiety, dementia, and other conditions. Being able to look at flowers may speed your recovery from an illness, injury, or surgery, adds the above-mentioned information source.
Improve air quality – particulate levels can be reduced by such as 20% in some situations. This could lead to a reduction of air cleaners (although not their replacement) and improve indoor air quality, adds Ambius an interior plants and landscaping company.
Cooling– One of the benefits of plants is that they help cool the air around them through the process of evapotranspiration (the movement of water from the soil, through the plant and into the atmosphere). Large interior plants are also very good at reducing temperature through shading, adds the above-mentioned information source.
Also see: Guide to keeping your houseplants clean