Could you have imagined that sleeping would be associated with life expectancy? Have you ever thought that how much you sleep might determine how long you’ll live?
Well, there are talks around this narrative and experts also have a say. According to the Very Well Health publication, sleep is crucial for overall health and longevity, as it helps the cardiovascular system and brain function optimally.
“Sleep is a busy time for your body. Various processes are at work that help everything from your cardiovascular system to your brain function at their best.”
The above source continues to mention that a study involving over 21,000 twins found that sleep duration can significantly impact longevity. The study found that individuals who slept less than seven hours a night or more than eight hours a night had a 24% and 17% increased risk of death, respectively.
“Using sleep medications, which indicates trouble sleeping, also increased the risk of mortality by about a third.”
In agreement with the above source, a study conducted by the American College of Cardiology claims that young people with more beneficial sleep habits are incrementally less likely to die early, and about 8% of deaths from any cause could be attributed to poor sleep patterns. The data suggests that having restful sleep and not having much trouble falling and staying asleep is essential for lowering all-cause and cardiovascular mortality.
“Participants were followed for a median of 4.3 years during which time 8,681 individuals died. Of these deaths, 2,610 deaths (30%) were from cardiovascular disease, 2,052 (24%) were from cancer and 4,019 (46%) were due to other causes.”
Research by the Sleep Foundation states that good sleepers reported sleeping at least seven hours a night, which aligns with the recommended hours by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and Sleep Research Society.
It was proven that regularly getting good sleep resulted in an 18% reduction in the risk of death, similar to managing stress levels and eating a healthy diet.
“According to the study abstract, regularly getting good sleep resulted in an 18% reduction in the risk of death.”
Also see: Does sleeping with socks enhance one’s quality of sleep?