Have you ever noticed a bruise appear suddenly on any part of your body? It can be puzzling because you are not able to recall when you got hurt.
There are several reasons why some people bruise more easily than others. You may take better care of your body by knowing the different causes. Here are the possible causes of those unexpected bruises:
According to Medical News Today, “A fall, blow, or other impact that exerts sudden high pressure on the skin can cause a bruise. Very forceful blows can damage bones, causing deep bleeding and bruises that take several weeks to heal.”
The health news publication states that some people are more prone to bruises than others. They might see injuries but be unaware of their cause. They might also sustain small injuries that result in huge bruises or bruising that take weeks to heal.
Most bruises form when small blood vessels (capillaries) near the skin’s surface are broken by the impact of a blow or injury — often on the arms or legs, according to Mayo Clinic.
The clinic further explains that this results in blood leaking from the vessels, which at first seems like a black stain. The mark eventually goes away when the body reabsorbs the blood.
Health-focused publication Healthline claims, “Bruising is more common among older adults. This is because your skin tends to become thinner as you age. Also, as you get older, you tend to lose some of the fatty layer in your skin that helps protect your blood vessels from injury.”
It may also be the result of a vitamin shortage, a medical condition, or even medications if you appear to be bruising easily, the health hub above adds.
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