Let’s face it, the sound of music through our earbuds is amazing. However, we can’t ignore the fact that some things that we enjoy doing can be detrimental to our health.
For instance, I am sure that we hardly lower the sound level of our buds, the louder, the better, right? Well, no, in fact, it is the worst thing that you could do to your eardrums. The below sources weigh in on the impact that earbuds have on your hearing.
According to the Cleveland Clinic, the cochlea, an extremely sensitive organ in the inner ear, allows you to experience the sounds of life. Two fluid-filled chambers lined with microscopic hair cells and topped with stereocilia—small, hair-like structures that stimulate the hair cell—are found within this spiral-shaped hollow.
It is also mentioned by the clinic that loud noises that you constantly listen to can wear this sensitive system out.
So how loud is too loud exactly? According to the audiologist, Valerie Pavlovich Ruff, “If you walk by someone and can hear what’s on their headphones, the sound is too loud.”
Another audiologist, Sarah Binfet, claims that the build-up of earwax may also result from the buds pushing it deeper into your ears. This problem can get worse if you decide to turn up the volume thinking that you cannot hear because of this obstruction.
The above expert in audiology suggests keeping the volume on your earbuds at 60% (or less) and paying attention to any alerts from your smart device if it tells you that the volume is too high. It is for your own protection.
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