We are aware that too much screen time damages our eyes, however, that is not the only thing affected. Staring at computer or phone screens can cause headaches and they are called screen headaches.
It is important to be mindful of these headaches because if they remain untreated and they occur frequently they can cause long-term health complications.
Health expert publications suggest ways you can implement to make sure you don’t get headaches from your screens. Let’s have a look:
Balance the lighting: Medical information and health hub, Healthline states that to prevent eyestrain and screen headaches, you need to balance natural and artificial lighting in your room with the brightness of your monitor and consider screen positioning to avoid glare.
Try anti-blue light glasses: The publication above also advises investing in a set of blue light-blocking glasses, as they may help lessen headaches from screens.
Increase font: According to Migraine Again, you might need to change the font size if you find yourself squinting to read texts or if you notice that your face gets strained or fatigued at the end of the day. The publication claims that there will be less strain on your eyes when reading, which lowers the possibility of computer headaches.
Arrange your workspace correctly: The publication above further mentions that before using a computer, ensure your workspace is well-arranged to promote comfort and relaxation. “The right setup will encourage you to sit comfortably and be relaxed without straining your neck. It’s important to protect your neck, especially if you are dealing with cervicogenic headache.” Additionally, you are advised to position your monitor directly in front of you, adjust your chair, ensure the monitor is at eye level, and set it 20-40 inches away from your face.
If possible, print it out: Print long documents instead of saving them on smartphones, states Excedrin.
Take frequent screen breaks: The Blue Glasses publication states that frequent breaks from screens prevent headaches. “Every 20 minutes, look away from your screen for 20 seconds to give your eyes a chance to rest. In addition, try to blink frequently to keep your eyes moisturized. And be sure to take breaks every couple of hours to walk around and focus on something else for a while.”