This year has seen the release of many superhero movies such as Thor: Love and Thunder, The Batman, Dr Strange in the Multiverse of Madness and now, Black Panther: Wakanda Forever. These superhero movies all have a common theme which is the superhero defeats the villain and saves the day. However, who looks after them when their health is at risk?
To celebrate men’s health month Sanlam’s Dr Calvin Yagan believes it is an ideal opportunity to better understand the “Superhero Complex” and how it affects me within their daily lives.
Dr Calvin Yagan explains that the term superhero complex is used to recognise a psychological state where a person believes they cannot fail, nor make mistakes as their duty is to ‘fix’ everyone else’s problems. As individuals we need to priorities our own care as we cannot continue taking care of others indefinitely and plus even the greatest superheroes need a helping hand from time to time.
Dr Calvin recommends that men follow this simple guideline to live a much healthier and happier life.
Make time for regular check ups:
Men don’t regularly visit the doctor for medical check-up which the superhero complex plays a huge role in.
Dr Calvin explains that the Superhero Complex is a clinical syndrome defined by the desire or pressure to be perfect. “This complex can be so extreme that it feels like failure is not an option. The pressure to succeed is primarily self-imposed, often resulting in feelings of anxiety and stress, which can manifest both mentally and physically,” he says.
According to research done by the Cleveland Clinic, found that 65% of men admitted to avoiding going to the doctor for as long as possible. It also found that only three in five men get annual physical examinations and that nearly half said their health is simply something they don’t talk about.
These findings are echoed by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) which reports that women are 33% more likely to visit their doctor, and are 100% more likely to maintain screening and preventive care.
Why superheroes need saving too
It is important to have regular checks to detect early disease detection through regular medical check-ups which can save lives.
According to Sanlam Individual Life’s 2021 claims statistics, 25% of all severe illness cancer claims paid for men were for prostate cancer. “Prostate cancer is the most common male cancer both locally and globally, with the lifetime risk for South African men of 1 in 15 according to the 2019 National Cancer Registry. Research indicates that the risk for aggressive prostate cancer is higher in black men. It also tends to run in families, so it is important to know your family cancer history, especially where there is prostate or breast cancer in a first-degree family relative,” says Dr Yagan. In fact, the Prostate Cancer Foundation of South Africa states that, in line with global statistics, the lifetime risk in black men could be as high as 1 in 4.
Simple screening tests are available to detect early prostate cancer. This includes the Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) blood test and the traditional digital rectal examination. The good news is that almost all men who have local or regional prostate cancer, which is found early, will survive more than five years after diagnosis.
Heart rate in men
According to research done in 2021 by Sanlam’s severe illness, claims by men included heart attacks (14%), coronary artery bypass grafts (10%), and strokes (8%).
Cardiovascular disease accounts for 1 in 6 deaths in South Africa. While the statistics are alarming, the risk factors for cardiovascular disease are easily identifiable and treatable. Early detection of risk factors including hypertension, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, tobacco use, diabetes, and high cholesterol can significantly lower the risk of heart disease and strokes. Regular medical check-ups and health screening initiatives lead to these risk factors being identified and treated early.
Men think they are Macho
Superhoes believe that they can not display any emotions and are unwilling to seek help when they suffer from mental health issues, depression and anxiety. According to Nozibusiso Nyawose, Clinical Psychologist and CEO at Psych Consultancy says that:
“Social stigma contributes to self-stigma. As a society, we need to encourage transparency around medical issues. Showing empathy and creating safe spaces enables men to express vulnerability without feeling judged or ostracised,”
Dr Yagan says that education and communication are needed to desensitise topics such as anxiety and depression. “Gen Z could be the mould-breakers who challenge and reimagine the stereotypical male. These young adults have the social and political support to be agile and inclusive in their thinking and actions,” he says.
Be kind to yourself
Nozibusiso says it is super important for parents to “teach your children to be aware of changes to their physical bodies as well as any emotional challenges. When visiting the doctor or dentist, encourage them to ask questions as this prompts them to take charge of their physical and mental health,” says Nyawose. She adds that children are very perceptive, “when you seek medical help, your behaviour inadvertently gives them permission to do the same.”
The superhero inside all of us wants to live forever, or at least for as long as possible. And Dr Calvin suggests that while “living with confidence includes looking after yourself both mentally and physically. This means going to your healthcare practitioner for those all-important check-ups and screenings, especially as you get older.