Almost everyone gets their fair share of having the flu at least four times a year, every time there is a change of season.
Although there are countless types of medication to help fight the flu, sometimes you wish there were natural ways that can help you instead of medicating yourself.
According to Healthline, the flu is caused by several kinds of viruses. There is no cure for it but you can take home remedies that can help soothe the symptoms.
Dr. Debra Rose Wilson, a holistic healthcare practitioner, shares natural ways that can help combat flu at home.
Rinse with salt water
Although, not recommended for kids who do know how to gargle. Warm water and salt rinse (sometimes called a salt water gargle) can soothe a sore throat. It can also help to clear mucous. Here’s how to rinse with salt water:
Boil or heat up water and let it cool until it’s warm or at room temperature. Mix 1/2 tsp salt to 8 ounces of warm water.
Pull the salt water to the back of your throat and gargle it for about 10 to 30 seconds so that it rinses your mouth and throat.
Spit the water into a sink and repeat 2 to 4 times.
Herbal tea
According to Healthline several herbs have natural antiviral and antibacterial properties. Star anise is a star-shaped spice from which oseltamivir was traditionally extracted.
Other herbs that can help are green leafy herbs because they have germ-fighting and antioxidant benefits.
Herbal tea can also help your body fight off the virus and help with sinuses.
Essential oils to use
A study shared by Healthline shows that tea-tree oils are best to help protect you against flu viruses. It is recommended to be used at least two hours after catching the virus so it can help to stop the virus from multiplying.
There are other plant based oils that can help as natural antibiotics and antivirals and are as follows:
- cinnamon oil
- peppermint oil
- eucalyptus oil
- geranium oil
- lemon oil
- thyme oil
It is suggested that many essential oils can be toxic. Most essential oils can be used on the skin after they’re mixed with oils like almond or olive oil. You can add fresh and dried herbs and spices to food to get similar benefits.
Inhaling a steam
Steam inhalation can help loosen a blocked nose, sinuses, throat, and lungs. The moisture from the warm water also relieves swelling in the nose and lungs. Steam inhalation might help to soothe a dry cough, irritated nose, and chest tightness.
Also see: Foods to eat when you have a sore throat