How to boost your immune system this winter As the winter season approaches hence the cold and flu viruses are about to take over, however there...
How to avoid food wastage during loadshedding With more than 10 million tonnes of food going to waste each year in South Africa, reducing househol...
Essential oils to use for anxiety If you are constantly experiencing waves of anxiety, why not soothe yourself with what nature has to...
Tips to help manage your anger Anger is a normal human reaction and feeling that has no plans to vanish. However, we can implement ...
The benefits of taking ice baths Plunging one’s self in a bath of ice has become quite popular over the past few months. The ice-co...
Five good reasons to get your flu vaccine today The flu season is around the corner and health care facilities are placing a huge emphasis on the fl...
Strengthening your floor pelvic muscles The pelvic floor muscles are difficult to comprehend simply because we can’t see them. But they pl...
Ways to overcome overthinking While some level of thinking and analysis is healthy and important for making informed decisions, ex...
5 signs you might be suffering from depression While many people know depression to be triggered by issues such as, conflict, loss, serious illness...
Why you should avoid cold water from the fridge We all know that it is extremely important to drink sufficient water to stay hydrated and to drink a...
Follow these after-sex rules to keep your vagina healthy Sex is great and all, but what is not great are urinary tract infections (UTIs) and vaginal irritati...
The negative effects of heavy drinking Having an occasional drink will not put your body at risk. However, if you regularly drink heavily, ...