Should you get into the pilates trend? Joseph Pilates, a German physical trainer, developed Pilates in the 1920s. It is a low-impact workou...
Home remedies for sinuses Sinuses are very common, many people struggle with this. Sinusitis or a sinus infection, medically t...
Incredible Lavender oil benefits Lavender oil is known for the many incredible benefits it comes with. The fresh, floral aroma of thi...
Building a healthy sustainable lifestyle post addiction Rebuilding your life post addiction can be brutal to some people, others even struggle to fit in and...
Healthy ways to gain weight There are many reasons why you may not be at your desired weight goal. Often you hear of people want...
Why diet culture is toxic Diet culture is unnecessary and therefore harmful to people of all weights and sizes, encouraging vi...
How to help yourself through depression It is always best to get help from a professional therapist if you are going through depression. How...
Signs of self harm behaviours Oftentimes we associate self harm with it being physical and neglect the harm that causes our mental...
Basic rules to live by in 2023 according to a life coach Starting on a new slate in 2023 means setting up guidelines that will help you overcome some of the ...
5 signs you may be experiencing a stroke Stroke is one of the major causes of deaths in the world. According to the World Health Organizatio...
Natural ways to help reduce cellulite Want to finish off this summer with a ready to wear swimsuit body? Here are a few things that can he...
Ways to help you quit smoking Although there are cautions about smoking being detrimental to your health, for most people smoking ...