Relaxation ideas before getting back to work Pump your brakes, unwind and relax! Before going back to work some of us need to recharge and reflec...
Why you should focus on filling up your cup in 2023 As the saying goes, you can’t pour from an empty cup! Sometimes you can’t help it and you get ca...
Ways to detox in the new year The festive season is finally over and if you are like most people, the festive season left you feel...
Forget the moral panic, gaming and impact games can stimulate mental wellbeing No matter how much you enjoy gaming, chances are you’ve felt a nagging sense of guilt about playin...
Secrets to a perfect summer salad This summer it’s time for us South Africans to embrace our heritage of salads and side dishes. Tha...
Side effects of drinking too much alcohol It’s summertime and perhaps some people drink alcohol more than they would normally do. Theref...
Six secrets to super sleep Are hot summer nights and end of year stresses keeping you from getting a good night’s sleep? Do y...
Beating the year-end slump; how to give it that one final push Come this time of year and we’re all feeling the fatigue. It’s been a long slog with external el...
How to understand and stop addictions There are many types of addictions, some we don’t even know we are addicted to. However there are ...
Health benefits of using Cayenne pepper Living a long healthy life requires taking care of your health. To know what’s good for you and wh...
Simple ways to cut down on sugar It goes without saying that sugar is one of the hardest things to resist. Unfortunately, though one ...
6 best foods to lower High Blood Pressure High blood pressure or Hypertension is one of the biggest health threats which many people face arou...