Tired of constant itching? Here is a list of handy solutions to getting rid of mosquito bites With the warm December month fast approaching, most people enjoy the thrill of indulging in many fun...
How dangerous is holding in a sneeze? We’ve all been there—that sudden urge to sneeze in a quiet meeting or crowded elevator, and the ...
The surprising causes of eye twitching, when to worry I am sure we have all heard of aunties saying if your right eye twitches, it means you will see some...
All there is to know about malaria The Southern African Development Community (SADC) Malaria Day commemoration, which is on the 06th of...
These exercises will give you relief from neck pain and stiffness Many of us carry stress in our necks, leading to discomfort that can ruin our day. The good news is,...
Healthy tips to detox your body If you’re feeling weighed down or sluggish all the time, you might be thinking it’s beca...
All about red meat: The good, the bad , and the ugly This is for the meat lovers out there, I’m sure some of you love good red meat, from juicy ste...
Effective ways to take better care of your feet So many of us spend countless hours every day ensuring that our skin care routine and facial appeara...
Is melatonin addictive? why you might feel like you can’t sleep without it Do you reach for melatonin every night to help you fall asleep? Even while it might seem like the id...
How to use chamomile to ease acne When it comes to acne solutions, chamomile might not be the first thing that comes to mind—but thi...
Music vs insomnia: How does music aid my sleep? Ever found yourself struggling with insomnia, and no matter how much you toss and turn, just cannot ...
Here’s what causes blisters in toddlers’ hands Blisters on a toddler’s hands can be alarming, especially when you’re unsure of the cause. From ...