10 Tips to boost your self-confidence Improving one’s self-confidence may seem like a challenging task, but many self-management tec...
Top energy-boosting foods to beat fatigue Do you find yourself constantly striving to be more productive but still feel exhausted? Even if you...
Muscles always sore after an exercise? Here is why… Do your frequent visits to the gym constantly end up resulting in aches and pains the following morn...
Tips to overcoming needle phobia If you are someone who becomes overwhelmed with anxiety at the slight thought that you’ll need to ...
Try these drinks to help ease period cramps Have you tried alleviating period pains with home remedies such as gentle exercises or applying a ho...
Bleeding gums? Try these 5 home remedies Walking around with bleeding gums in public can knock on one’s confidence. Fortunately, there ...
Tips for effective GP visits This time of the year is full of resolutions, many of which are related to being healthier. If you a...
5 Healthy alternatives to minimise your salt intake Salt is a pantry staple, but if you consume too much of it, it can contribute to health problems. Re...
Benefits of a social media detox Social media has become a significant part of our lives, as it is the medium through which news circ...
Why you should eat more leafy green vegetables When it comes to leafy green vegetables, avoid shoving these veggies to the side of your plate. Not ...
Trying to build muscle? These are foods you should avoid If your New Year resolved to improve your fitness with the goal of building muscle, you’ll know by...
Community activists are the unsung heroes for HIV prevention of young women This International Women’s Day, we turn the spotlight on the unsung community influencers who hav...