How to prioritise your heart health when living a stressful lifestyle Heart Awareness Month, which takes place in September, aims to increase public understanding of card...
Health risks of eating burnt food In our busy lives, we often prioritise convenience over careful cooking. The appeal of crispy, charr...
Foods that help with heartburn It’s common to experience acid reflux (heartburn) from time to time, but for some people, eati...
Best drinks for Immune system health when sick When illness strikes, it’s essential to give your body the best possible chance to heal and re...
Oral Health Month: Tips for combatting dental erosion in youth Your children’s teeth are at danger because one-third of South Africa’s younger populati...
Health benefits of sex Sex is a natural and integral part of human life, and its benefits extend far beyond intimacy and pl...
4 Acne trigger foods to avoid Acne is often linked to hormonal changes that sometimes leave both males and females uncomfortable a...
Sport Edition: How to maintain your mental health under pressure The need for female athletes to prioritise their mental health in the realm of sports is fundamental...
30 Day stretch workouts to chase the stress away Create a feeling of calm with these simple, stress-less strategies Feeling strung out, anxious or ov...
Foods to help you fight cellulite As we grow older, our bodies also start showing mileage bringing changes that often do not leave us ...
How to perform your own vajacial at home Vajacials are no longer reserved for the rich and famous; in fact, they’re fast becoming popular t...
5 Ways to spring into a new you With blossoming flowers, and the hint of long summer days in the breeze, spring has gracefully arriv...