Resting is one of the most important phases that our bodies have to go through in order to function at our optimal best in some of the most challenging circumstances.
According to the lifestyle publication Forbes, resting is more than simply being in a state of relaxation, it is also an essential part of keeping your body in a healthy condition.
“Rest is important because it allows our bodies and brains to recover. By giving ourselves a rest period, we are able to return to our work, feeling recharged and energized,” explains Blueosa, a company specialising in yoga and spa treatments.
However, this is not always something many of us experience. This is simply due to the overwhelming amount of workload and deadlines you have to meet in your workspace, as well as the effort you need to put into spending quality time with your family when you get home, leaving you drained and debilitated.
Not to mention the fact that weekends feel like a fly-by-night affair, and before you know it, it will be Monday again.
Fortunately, there are various techniques that you can incorporate into your day to ensure that you have time for a proper break.
Here is a list of some:
Physical rest: The information hub – Calm – explains that one of the most perfect forms of physical rest is getting good quality sleep. This releases muscle tension and recovers the body for the demanding challenges of life. It is also known to increase energy levels.
According to the above-mentioned source, other forms of physical rest may also come in the form of laying down or practising yoga.
Mental rest: Many may find themselves in a work environment where they are faced with the responsibility of solving problems on a regular basis. If constant this can have an effect on your body and result in mental fatigue. Calm therefore recommends that people who experience this start practicing mindful exercises like meditation, taking short breaks or engaging in hobbies that let your mind wander. Not only does this reduce mental fatigue but boosts creativity.
Emotional rest: People who are emotionally tired often find themselves in situations in which they are emotionally invested explains Calm. This can be either at home or in the workplace.
According to the health and wellness publication Healthline, the effects of being emotionally drained are evident in various ways. Some of these include lack of motivation, trouble sleeping, physical fatigue, failure to meet work deadlines as well as more absences.
The way to overcome this is by eliminating the things that are emotionally draining your life. If it is work, try moving to another department. If it is individuals, then distance yourself from the situation. Healthline explains that exercising is another way of dealing with these challenges.
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