Picture this: You are standing in a long queue, waiting to get to the counter to make your purchase, and suddenly, you urgently have to run to the toilet to relieve yourself. Instead of leaving the queue, you choose hold it in… which can sometimes be the wrong choice you can make.
According to Medical News Today, it is not advisable to regularly hold in your urine as it can result in some major problems.
The health publication also notes that the capacity of a healthy adult bladder is about two cups of liquid, and even less for a child. Although the bladder can stretch to hold more than the above amount, doing so too often can be dangerous.
“There are no hard rules for how and when it is safe to hold in pee,” states the publication. “Some people may be more prone to side effects than others.”
Below are the possible sides effects of holding in your pee, provided by Medical News Today.
Regularly holding in your pee may lead to pain and discomfort in the bladder or kidneys. When the person does finally reach the bathroom, they may experience pain when relieving themselves. The muscles may also stay partially clenched after the urine has been released, which can lead to pelvic cramps.
Urinary tract infection (UTI)
In some cases, if you hold in your pee for too long, it can cause bacteria to multiply. This may lead to a UTI. People who do not drink enough liquids can also get a UTI, because the bladder is not telling the body to pee often enough. This can cause bacteria to spread through the urinary tract, and can lead to an infection.
Bladder stretching
Regularly holding in your pee can also cause your bladder to stretch, making it difficult or impossible for the bladder to contract and release pee normally. People with stretched bladders, in some cases, may have to use a catheter.