It’s summertime and perhaps some people drink alcohol more than they would normally do. Therefore it is always good to know about the dangers and side effects of consuming too much alcohol.
According to Healthline when you drink alcohol, you don’t necessarily feel the impact right away. Which results in taking more sips. After many more sips, you will feel the warm fuzziness or suddenly become active and start dancing.
The side effects will come at a later stage as headaches or hangovers. Only people who are heavy drinkers will be worried about these side effects and those who drink in moderation will think they are fine.
“Many people assume the occasional beer or glass of wine at mealtimes or special occasions does not pose much of a concern. But drinking any amount of alcohol can potentially lead to unwanted health consequences.” – says healthline.
Other side effects that are dangerous to look out for are blackouts.
According to Dr Weatherspoon, medical advisor for Healthline here are some things you should understand about side effects of alcohol and having blackouts:
- Having a black out means you have temporarily lost memory which is categorized in medical terms as “sense of time lost”.
- When you’re intoxicated, the high volume of alcohol in your system impairs your ability to form new memories while intoxicated.
- Experiencing black out can also affect the following: difficulty walking, difficulty talking, difficulty standing, impaired judgement and impaired vision.
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