There is a big chance that we have all had someone tell us ‘just be positive about the situation’ or ‘look on the bright side’. Though they may have good intentions in trying to better your situation, whether you’re sick, grieving or going through a break-up, sometimes this advice is a lot easier said than done. Well-being does not just mean the absence of diseases and conditions.
By the same token, being a positive person does not mean being positive all the time; it means being resilient even in the tough times, living a healthy lifestyle and having a positive mindset. While there may be many definitions of well-being, it is important that all people strive to establish a sense of general well-being in their lives. It includes the spiritual, emotional, physical and social aspects of life. Here are factors and techniques that contribute to well-being.
This entails feeling connected to a higher power or following a system of one’s choice. It offers a sense of meaning or purpose, or feelings of peace and transcendence. According to Laborers’ Health & Safety Fund of North America, spiritual wellness is being connected to something greater than yourself and having a set of values, principles, morals and beliefs that provide a sense of purpose and meaning to life, then using those principles to guide your actions.
This means feeling good, being happy, experiencing positive emotions, such as love, joy or compassion, and feeling generally satisfied with life. Medical News Today defines this as the awareness and understanding a person has about their emotions and how well they are able to manage through different life events.
Emotional well-being also refers to how well people are able to accept and manage their emotions and cope with challenges throughout life.

Physical well-being is the ability to maintain a healthy quality of life that allows us to get the most out of our daily activities without undue fatigue or physical stress. It includes taking care of our bodies and recognising that our daily habits and behaviours have a significant impact on our overall health, well-being and quality of life. Social This refers to a sense of belonging to a community and making a contribution to society.
The Wellbeing Therapy Space defines social well-being as our ability to make and maintain meaningful positive relationships and regular contact with other people in our world – family, friends, neighbours and co-workers.
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