Acupuncture is a form of traditional Chinese medicine that has been practised for thousands of years and is now practised by many around the world.
Essex Acupuncture states that this form of therapy is increasingly being used by patients who suffer from chronic pain, headaches, fertility problems, menstrual cramps and stomach issues. Verywell Health adds that acupuncture can also be used for anxiety, arthritis, depression, sinus congestion and even skin appearance.
When booking an appointment for acupuncture therapy, the acupuncturist would generally ask you about your health history and may perform a physical examination, says Verywell Health. Thin needles are then inserted into specific areas of the body that addresses the person’s condition or concern while promoting relaxation, balancing the body’s energy and stimulating healing.
The publication notes that researchers do not fully understand how acupuncture works. However, it is theorised that acupuncture may stimulate the release of endorphins. Another theory is that it may influence the autonomic nervous system.
Below are some health benefits and risks of acupuncture, provided by Essex Acupuncture.
Considered an energy booster: It is possible that after one session, you will feel energised (or even relaxed). This is due to its pain and relief capabilities. Studies have shown that acupuncture creates an increase in endorphins, dopamine and serotonin – keys to stabilising our moods.
Chemical-free: Acupuncture is a natural form of therapy that does not use any chemicals or drugs. Therefore, many patients experience very few side effects.
Feels like a pinch: Do not let the sight of a needle intimidate you. Communication from the patients combined with the skills of the acupuncturist should make for a painless session.
May feel dizzy: Such dizziness may occur if the patient did not eat before a treatment session, is over-exercised prior to the session or is extremely exhausted. For best results, be sure to communicate with your acupuncturist before your treatment of any long-term energy and mood issues or recent changes.
The following risks are provided by Verywell Health:
Bleeding and bruising: Bleeding could possibly occur from the insertion of the needle while bruising may occur around the area in which the needle was placed.
Other side effects: These may include infections, nausea, skin rashes or allergic reactions.