In a relationship – be it romantic or platonic – the topic of sex may arise in your conversation. However, this physical interaction does not need to be the be-all and end-all of your partnership. As foreign as it may seem, there are benefits to a life without sex.
If you are looking to live such a life, this is known as celibacy.
What is celibacy?
“Celibacy is living a life without sexual relationships or activity. It can be a choice, but it may also be involuntary,” says Choosing Therapy, a mental health and well-being information hub. While celibacy generally applies to sexual activity, some people may also choose to abstain from other activities, such as intimate kissing.
There are many reasons why people may choose to lead a life without sex. The decision may be due to cultural, religious, spiritual or personal beliefs explains the mental health and wellness publication, Verywell Mind. Adding to the list of reasons, Choosing Therapy states that disinterest in sex, pursuing a career, or avoiding sexually transmitted infections and diseases may also be enough for people to stay away from sexual acts.

Benefits of celibacy
When it comes to the list of advantages, celibacy can be both psychologically and spiritually rewarding.
Psychological benefits may include:
- Lower stress: Engaging in sexual relationships can come with the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections and diseases and even pregnancies, notes health publication WebMD. Thus, some people prefer to set aside those worries by not having sex.
- Healed trauma and grief: “People who have been through a traumatic experience or lost a loved one may need to put all their energy towards healing,” says the above-mentioned health publication. “Abstinence gives them time to focus on their emotional needs so that they can recover.”
- Increased focus: Although a break from sex will not completely clear your mind, some people feel they can concentrate more if they are not thinking about sex. WebMD says, “Choosing to be celibate frees them from thinking about or planning sexual encounters. Without sex as a distraction, they can put all their energy into other activities.”

Spiritual benefits include the following:
- Improved spiritual intimacy: Celibacy can bring you closer to your spiritual goals and improve your relationship with your faith, says Choosing Therapy.
- Appreciating other blessings: Choosing Therapy also notes that choosing celibacy allows the time to explore things without the stress that can come from sexual frustration. They also add, “The choice of celibacy allows for more time for these other blessings to be present in the life of the celibate.”
- Prioritising spiritual goods: Living a life without sexual relationships and activities is about priorities, says the above-mentioned publication. When speaking in terms of a religious context, spiritual goods and devotion are more highly valued than others. “Choosing celibacy is an expression of putting these goods in proper order and protects against the potential sin of selecting a lower good rather than a higher good,” shares Choosing Therapy.
Also see: Reasons why you could be struggling with painful sex