With vibrant colours and diverse shapes, a vibrator helps to make fantasies real, enhances intimate connections, and allows you to reach the orgasms you yearn for. Though, while the use of the intimate tool can have an intense impact on your overall sex life, there are a few risks of which you need to be aware.
Below are three benefits and risks of using a vibrator.
The good…
1. It relieves pain
Through orgasms, you can say bye-bye to pain! “Hormones released after orgasm dull the receptors that would otherwise be signalling to you that you are in pain,” explains Minna, a company that creates innovative consumer products to help people improve their sexual health and wellness.
2. Helps give you a good night’s rest
Instead of reaching for melatonin pills, reach for your vibrator instead. Minna shares that the “happy hormones” you release will put your mind at ease and allow you to drift into a peaceful slumber.

3. Keeps your vagina young and healthy
The above-mention sex toy-selling company states that vaginal walls are lubricated when an orgasm is achieved. “This moisture boosts elasticity, which breaks down as you age It also opens your cervix so fluids can be flushed out, which will prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs).”
The bad…
1. Body can be exposed to harmful chemicals
Health Shots – a publication specialising in health and wellness – notes that a study about plastics showed that harmful chemicals – such as Bisphenol A, phthalates, PVC and BPA – were added to the plastics used to make sex toys to make them soft and flexible. Exposure to these chemicals can lead to infertility, obesity, breast cancer, heart disease, and diabetes, the study further shared.
2. Can get infections
Vibrators that are not cleaned or stored properly can increase the risk of vaginal and urinary tract infections, says the above-mentioned information hub.

3. May affect your immunity
According to The Masters & Johnson sexual response cycle, the sexual response has four phases: initial arousal, plateau, orgasm, and resolution. Health Shots explains, “The biggest risk of using a vibrator comes from the fact that when you use a vibrator, you end up missing a large part of the plateau phase and tend to reach the orgasm stage quickly.” They added, “However, it is during this missed phase that the maximum amount of immunity-boosting and mood-uplifting hormone oxytocin as well as nitric oxide are released.”
Also see: 5 Ways to spice up your sex life