Are you looking for a low-impact workout that improves mental and physical balance? Pilates may be the perfect workout for you if you want to tone your body and relax at the same time.
According to health publication Healthline, “Originally called “Contrology,” Pilates is a method of whole body exercise designed to improve daily activities and livelihood.”
The health publication also states that while core practice is prioritized, having strong core muscles alone is not the ultimate goal. The health hub states that the objective rather is to use that core strength to create movement patterns throughout the body that are sustainable and functional.
Pilates emphasizes balance of all opposing muscles, optimal range of motion at the joints, and alignment of the entire body. It strengths weak postural muscles and increases awareness of alignment as a result promotes good posture, the above health hub also claims.
Saul Choza, a certified Romana Kryzanowska trainer, PMA-certified Pilates teacher and owner of Winsor Choza Pilates states that it focuses on breathing in and out at the same time while keeping your spine neutral. This helps balance out your entire muscular system and lower your chance of injury.
The above expert in this workout claims, “Performing Pilates movements can help improve circulation and boost your intake of oxygen, which helps increase your levels of energy.”
According to Verywell Health, “Research suggests Pilates may decrease stress levels by helping calm the nervous system through mind-body movements and breath awareness.”
The above health source also adds that it may also be helpful for those who have uncomfortable menstrual cycles.
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