If you’ve ever caught yourself talking out loud and wondered if you’re losing it—don’t worry, you’re actually onto something brilliant. Whether you’re hyping yourself up before a big meeting or just reminding yourself where you left your keys, verbalising your thoughts can help make sense of the chaos in your mind. So go ahead, chat away—science says it’s totally normal (and pretty beneficial too).
Very Well Mind explains that external self-talk is a common form of communication. The mentioned website claims that that social isolation, loneliness, and cognitive disruption are two theories believed to be the reason behind people talking to themselves. According to the publication, social isolation suggests that people who spend more time alone are more likely to talk to themselves, as they have fewer interactions with others.
“People may talk to themselves out loud due to cognitively disruptive events that are often brought on by stress or other similar events. For example, feelings of anxiety or obsessive-compulsive tendencies can create cognitive disruptions linked to increases in self-talk,” the wellness publication adds.
Clinical psychologist Dr Jessica Nicolosi and neuroscientist Dr Don Vaughn suggested on the See Beyond website that talking to ourselves out loud in a positive manner can have significant benefits. They argue that it slows down thoughts and processes them differently, engaging the language centres of the brain. Dr Jessica claims that “By talking to ourselves we become more deliberate, and this creates a slower process to think, feel and act, instead of being bombarded by our thoughts.”
For example, Dr Don Vaughn, a neuroscientist who studies human behaviour, stated that talking to ourselves while studying can accelerate language retention.
Psychology Today states that reading instructions aloud helps sustain concentration and improves performance. Self-talk is also said to boost self-confidence, as words of encouragement nurture self-esteem and increase chances for success.
According to the website, studies have found that encouraging self-talk boosts performance across various athletics, including tennis and surfing.
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