Whether it is through a family member, a friend, a neighbour or a well-known person, death by suicide has touched many of us.
We are often shocked to hear of a person that we know who has taken their life and try to recall of signs they might have shown before taking their life.
Even though it may be difficult to tell sometimes, many experts share that signs are often visible to indicate when a person is not in a good state. Sadly, suicidal thoughts do not only overwhelm grown-ups but also children.
In the USA, suicide is the second leading cause of death among people between the ages 10 – 34 years. It is also the fourth leading cause of death among the ages 34 – 54 years and fifth among ages 45 to 54 years shares multispecialty academic medical center Cleveland Clinic.
Non-profit medical group practice Mayo Clinic shares the following signs of that a suicidal person may portray:
- If they start developing funny and severely flustered personality changes, or severely anxious and irritable, particularly when around people.
- Experience mood swings, such as being emotional one moment, later being on a high, then experiencing a deep low and discouraged feeling.
- If they start talking a lot about suicide, making statements about death, wishing they were dead.
- When they, out of the blue, start giving away their valuables and getting their things in order when there is no reason to do so.
- Suddenly getting items that can be used to take a life, such as a hanging rope, a gun, gas, many pills and many more.
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