Pilates workouts affect your whole body with the main goal of improving your stability, balance, and posture. Implement these workout sessions into your everyday routine to witness the transformation.
What is Pilates?
An American website and provider of health information, Healthline explains pilates as “a system of exercises designed to enhance the body’s potential by correcting muscular imbalances, finding optimal alignment, and creating efficient movement patterns.”
Healthline also adds that pilates have the ability to enhance your body focusing on your body’s strength, mobility, and flexibility. Some of the unknown but shown advantageous of pilates is that they aid towards improving “your quality of life, including exerting positive effects on depression and anxiety.”

Pilate Core Exercises
As advised by Self Magazine – a magazine dedicated to women’s workouts, health and beauty advice – pilates are accessible and easy exercises that do not require any equipment. Because of this, these workouts can be done within the comfort of your own space making them “convenient—and effective” for anyone to attempt.
While the concept of pilates may be a new one to many, the exercises however are old classics that we have all heard of and seen before. Integrating a few of these workouts in your routine will equate to a solid standalone pilates workout routine that will have multiple benefits to your body.
These are the exercises you should attempt:
- Leg Circle.
- Scissor Kick.
- Plank Leg Lift.
- Single-Leg Stretch.
- Slow Motion Mountain Climber
Do at least 5 sets of the above mentioned exercises.

If you are someone who prefers being guided by visuals then watch the video below. The YouTube video accommodates beginners who are interested in trying out a 20 minute Pilates routine in the comfort of their own home.
Instructing the video is Isa Welly, a UK based registered Nutritional Therapist & Wellness Coach.
Also see; How to maintain a healthy lifestyle while working from home