Whether it’s year-end fatigue or just general tiredness, feeling exhausted all the time is common if you don’t maintain a proper diet and your mental health isn’t in good condition.
According to Healthline, people often experience exhaustion in today’s fast-paced world without taking the time to ground themselves, balance their lives and soothe their souls. It can be difficult to identify the precise reason for low energy levels; because if you constantly feel exhausted or unsure about it then seek medical advice.
The mental health hub, Calm, suggests that individuals should not run empty as this may result in dissatisfaction in doing the things you love ultimately causing you to overlook life’s essential joys which can harm your well-being.
Calm offers solutions to combat persistent fatigue:
- Catch quality sleep: Getting the normal seven to nine hours of uninterrupted sleep every night and establishing a calming environment for sleep by having soothing sounds helps your body relax.
- Stay hydrated: Drinking water throughout the day helps clean out toxins in your body and gives you a lot of energy if you eat fruits and vegetables and avoid sodas and alcohol.
- Get moving: Engage in activities you enjoy, such as yoga or walking, to give an energy surge. Balance is key, and get out in nature if possible, says the mental health hub.
- Conquer stress: Practice mindful meditation to reduce overthinking and promote relaxation.
- Limit caffeine: Try herbal teas instead of caffeine as caffeine tends to cause fatigue.
- Take micro-breaks: As you work take short breaks and have periods of brief relaxation periods in between. Try and combine your micro-breaks with a brief grounding meditation as this helps to not get overwhelmed.
- Work smarter: To avoid getting overwhelmed and feeling fatigued, it’s important to be organised and deliberate when managing your time. You can make use of tools such as planners or apps to help you plan out your day more effectively.
- Seek community: Spending time with friends and family is a good way to destress and combat fatigue as you would have someone to talk to during times of difficulties.