Some of us are guilty of not taking the doctor’s advice seriously when we’re ordered to be on “bed rest.”
Could it be because we don’t understand the risks involved should you not rest when you are told to. Hopefully by the end of this article we will understand what bed rest is and the dangers of not listening to your doctor.
According to Cleveland Clinic bed rest can mean several things like restricting your activities, being admitted to the hospital or staying in bed at home. Many times the term is used on pregnant women by doctor’s.
Surely doctors don’t order their patients if not for medical complications, what patients don’t know are the risks involved should they not listen to their doctor.
Web MD shares that “some doctors suggest bed rest for conditions like growth problems in the baby, high blood pressure or preeclampsia, vaginal bleeding from placenta previa or abruption, preterm labor, cervical insufficiency, threatened miscarriage, and other problems.”
However, there has not been evidence that bed rest helps, although many times recommended by doctors. According to health writer R. Morgan Griffin, she shares a study that suggests bed rest can be harmful and include:
- Blood clots
- Depression and anxiety
- Family stress
- Financial worries, especially if you have to stop working
- Low birthweight for your baby
- Slower recovery after birth
- Weakened bones and muscles
When a doctor advises you to be on bed rest, it is recommended you question your doctor’s advice. You can question:
Why bed rest?
How will it help you?
Does it mean staying in bed?
Should you walk around for exercise?
Are there any potential side effects to bed rest?
Anytime you have a concern about what the doctor says to you, you should be able to ask questions and if not satisfied, get a second opinion
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