Crying is simply defined as the act of shedding tears in a phenomenon that has existed ever since the creation of humankind.
Whether in times of sadness or indescribable joy, the act of releasing droplets of liquid through one’s eyes has been one of the most important traits in showing emotion.
While the act of crying is often a reflection of the state of our hearts and emotions, it also boasts a number of benefits that ensure that human beings live healthy lives.
Here are four benefits of crying:
It fights bacteria
According health and wellness publication, Medical News Today, crying plays an important part in fighting bacteria as tears contain a fluid called lysozyme.
“A 2011 study Trusted Source found that lysozyme had such powerful antimicrobial properties that it could even help to reduce risks presented by bioterror agents, such as anthrax.”
Improves vision
In addition to this, it also improves vision as it releases basal tears that keep the eyes moist and prevent mucus membranes from drying out. Basal tears have a lubricating effect that prevents blurry vision. So, next time you cry, remember that it’s good for your eyes!
Performs a three-in-one function
The wellness website, Healthline, further suggests that crying can divided into three categories with very specific functions.
These are reflex tears, continuous tears, and emotional tears.
Reflex tears clear debris, continuous tears lubricate and protect from infection, while emotional tears contain stress hormones and toxins which may be flushed out through crying.
Helps baby breathe
It is said that the very first cry of a baby is the most important.
“Babies receive their oxygen inside the womb through the umbilical cord. Once a baby is delivered, they must start breathing on their own. The first cry is what helps a baby’s lungs adapt to life in the outside world. Crying also helps babies clear out any extra fluid in the lungs, nose, and mouth,” says Healthline.
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