Personal hygiene involves keeping your external body groomed, neat and clean. Not only is personal hygiene important to keep us odour-free and clean, but many medical studies prove minimal risks of contracting illnesses for those who are conscious of their hygiene compared to those who don’t practice good personal hygiene.
Cleanliness can boost your morale, and one tends to feel good when feeling fresh and clean. It is also a reflection of who you are to the outside world without saying a word. You don’t need to spend thousands on expensive items as there are many ways to exercise personal hygiene without breaking the bank.
Healthline, an information source that shares health advice shares five important types of personal hygiene exercises:
Nail hygiene – Having neatly trimmed nails is not only good grooming, but it also prevents germs from spreading to your face and other parts of your body, especially for those who bite their nails. The information hub suggests to, “brush under them with a nail brush or washcloth to rinse away buildup, dirt, and germs.”
Shower/bath hygiene – When we shower or bath with soap or shower gel, we not only get rid of dirt but also remove dead cells and bacteria from our bodies. The above-mentioned source also adds that your hair should not be left unwashed for long, suggesting a minimum of twice a week.
Hands hygiene – It is easy to transfer dirt to your body, surfaces and even your food if you don’t practice good personal hygiene. This can cause sicknesses not only to yourself but those you prepare food for too, adds Healthline.
Brushing teeth hygiene – No one likes the smell of bad breath, it is important to brush teeth every day as that also helps avoid tooth decay. Most dentists advise that we brush our teeth twice a day, in the morning and evening.
Menstrual and genital hygiene – regular change of sanitary products is very important, as that not only keeps you odour-free but prevents you from developing a rash in your private area. MedicalNewsToday a health hub with expert advice suggests that uncircumcised men should, “clean it by gently pulling back the foreskin and washing underneath it with warm water or soap.”
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