When it comes to leafy green vegetables, avoid shoving these veggies to the side of your plate. Not only are they vibrant in colour but they also help complete a balanced diet.
The health and wellness-driven hub PharmEasy explains that these edible plant leaves can either be eaten raw or cooked. Examples of this veggie type include lettuce, cabbage, spinach, kale and even broccoli.
The health publication Medical News Today adds, “These veggies should be a compulsory part of your routine diet. They play an important role by helping you to recover from certain health conditions and illnesses like poor eyesight, mineral deficiencies, poor immunity, constipation, and even certain heart diseases.”
If the above is not enough to convince you to add these vegetables to your diet, see below how they can be beneficial to your health.
Helps prevent certain diseases
Leafy green vegetables are full of vitamins and minerals needed to boost the immune system and maintain overall body health, shares PharmEasy.
It has a rich source of micronutrients
“Although micronutrients may be required in lower quantities in the body, they play a major part in helping boost the immune system and several other functions of the body,” explains the above-mentioned health hub. Essential micronutrients like beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin can also assist in preventing damage to body cells and even enhance eyesight.
Low in calories
PharmEasy notes that a big benefit of consuming leafy green vegetables is that they are extremely low in calories. They are also dense in nutrients, “which is why they are a preferred food item in a weight loss diet.”
Medical News Today also shares that you can add leafy green vegetables to your diet in the following ways:
- Salads
- Pesto
- Juices
- Soups
- Healthy bowls
- Sauces
- smoothies