As women, we all have important questions about our periods and what is really normal and what we should be worried about.
- How soon will my period return after giving birth?
Your period will start again after six to eight weeks after giving birth, but this also depends on if you are breastfeeding exclusively or not. If you are breastfeeding exclusively, your menstrual cycle may cease until you stop. If you are combining formula and breastfeeding, or only breastfeeding at certain times of the day you’ll rather spot than experience heavy.
2. What are the symptoms of Toxic Shock Syndrome?
Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) is caused by a common bacteria called Staphylococcus Aureus. The Symptoms of TSS are varied, and not all symptoms are always present.
Be on the look out for the following symptoms:
• Sudden headache
• Some muscular pains
• Sudden high fever of 39°C or higher
• Fever and cold sweats
• Vomiting, diarrhoea or both
• Dizziness and fainting
• Some weakness or confusion
• Rash looking like nasty sunburn
Should you experience these symptoms, consult a doctor, clinic or casualty as soon as possible.
Also See: Things to consider before steaming your vagina
3. What does a discharge mean?
To have some vaginal discharge is normal. Normal ‘fertility discharge’ should not worry you at all. But if it’s itchy or smelly, you need to go to a chemist, doctor or clinic – especially if you’ve had sex.
Types of discharge:
• Fertility discharge happens about two weeks before your period and doesn’t smell or itch. It looks like raw egg white. It’s normal and nothing to worry about.
• Brown mucus is usually a sign that your period is about to start or end.
• Itchy discharge means you have a fungal infection like thrush.
• A fishy-smelling discharge is usually a sign of bacterial vaginitis – which isn’t a sexually transmitted infection.
• A smelly, frothy, green, yellow or white discharge is the sign of an infection – usually one that’s been passed on during sex. You must have this type of discharge investigated and treated.
4. How do I know if my bleeding during my period is normal?
While your period may become irregular during perimenopause, you should be aware of and on the lookout for the following changes in your period and see a healthcare professional if you experience the following:
• Very heavy bleeding
• Bleeding that takes place more often than every three weeks
• Bleeding lasting longer than what you are used to
• Bleeding after sex or between your periods
Report any bleeding after menopause to your doctor or healthcare provider as this is abnormal.
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