Forming healthy habits in children from an early age is vital, not only for their health as kids but for the rest of their lives.
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Naazneen Khan, Health and Wellness Manager at Nestlé South Africa shares a few healthy routine ideas that will put you and your kids on track to leading a happier and healthier lifestyle.
Here are 5 tips to increase the number of fruits your children eat on a daily basis:
1. Add variety. Buy fruits that are dried, frozen, and canned (in water or 100% juice) as well as fresh fruit, so that you always have a supply on hand.
SEE ALSO: 5 ways to prepare your fruits & veggies for effective weight loss
2. Keep visible reminders. Keep a bowl of whole fruit on the table or in the refrigerator so that it’s easy for your children to reach them.
3. Don’t forget the fibre. Use whole or cut-up fruit, rather than juice, to benefit from the dietary fibre provided by fruits. Fruit juice, even 100%, can add unnecessary kilojoules and often lacks the fibre your children need.
4. Include fruit at breakfast. Top up your cereal with bananas, peaches, or strawberries; add grated apple to pancakes or try fruit mixed with fat-free or low-fat yoghurt.
SEE ALSO: 5 healthy food mistakes you could be making
5. Experiment with fruit at dinner. Add crushed pineapple to coleslaw, or include orange sections. Choose a fresh fruit salad as a dessert.
Great snack ideas:
- Get into the habit of eating fruit during this time. Fruits provide vital nutrients such as potassium, dietary fibre, vitamin C and folate (folic acid), which helps produce and maintain new cells and is great for child growth and development.
- On average, children aged between nine and thirteen need approximately 28 grams of fibre a day in order to assist digestion, regulate bowel movements and maintain balanced blood sugar levels.
- Berries and apples are fantastic snack options as they both contain high levels of fibre. One cup of blueberries or one large apple has approximately 4 to 6 grams of fibre.