Tis’ the season to be jolly, but you’re feeling depressed and wish you at least had someone close to light up your spirit and get you in the mood. Maybe our advice could encourage you and give you a sense of love and calmness.
Industrial Psychologist Doctor Sharon Munyaka says there’s more than one way to say goodbye to your Christmas blues.
Check, check and check! Know when you are available and make it clear to people around you so they can add you to their fun and before you know it you have places to go to and people to see.
Often the main reason why you’re depressed during the festive season could be financial issues. To avoid this, help yourself by doing what you can afford and managing your finances realistically.
Ask around, you never know who is available to help you cheer up. Get involved in your community. This may be a great way to mingle; allowing you to meet new people while on holiday.
Avoid anything which will trigger your loneliness. If you know that visiting Instagram on the 25th December will have you balling in tears, then don’t log in!
Doing well for others could bring a smile to your face. You may think you have it worse until you see those less fortunate than you. So, be optimistic about your life; get up and be a good sport by offering your hand to those who really have it bad.
There are more ways than one to celebrate Christmas, none of them which include walking around with a frowned face. Do not allow any negative thoughts get you down; make the best of every moment instead.