5 Ways To Start Your Day

We all start our days at different times but no matter who you are, what you do or when you do it, the way in which you start your mornings sets the tone for your entire day. Make sure you start your day in the best possible way so that you go to bed with a smile on your face, knowing that you have achieved all the goals you set for yourself.


Wake up an hour earlier

Be an early bird and wake up right before the sun comes up – the quiet and peace of the early morning will soothe your mind and energise your body. Waking up earlier also allows you to fit in the things you usually do not have time for. You can even try something new like going to the gym, yoga or get going on your to-do list for the next day. You will also find that it feels good no not have to rush to work.

Eat or drink something healthy and energising

Drinking a strong cup of coffee every morning may not be in the best interests of your health as the boost will only last a few hours, then leave you tired and down if you do not get a refill. It also forms a dependency on caffein. Try drinking a warm cup of lemon water to prepare you for the day. Lemon water gently detoxes your system and prepares your stomach for the food you’ll be eating throughout the day. Also eat any fruit. Bananas are a great energy booster during any time of the day.

On your way to work

Play your favourite CD and turn the music up!. Some people tend to listen to the morning news the minute they step into the car, but this might not bring out all your positive energy. The first thing you listen to in the morning is likely to be the one thing that lingers in your mind the whole day. So if Iggy Azalea’s Fancy makes you feel like “the illest chick in town”, then let that be the very first thing you hear when you get up.

When you get to the office

As soon as you get to your desk, sit down, have a quiet moment to yourself – before you even open your emails – and think “the day is over and I am leaving the office with a tremendous sense of accomplishment. What have I achieved?” This is a powerful thought by Ron Friedman, which uses the power of vision and imagination to arouse your will and might. This will also keep you focused throughout the day and ensure you waste as little time as possible.

Power Posture counts

Amy Cuddy gave a TED Talk about the Power of Posture after doing a study where she put men and women in a room and asked each to pose in a specific way. After a few minutes, she measured testosterone levels of each person Testosterone is a hormone which helps maintain a general sense of well-being and energy. Those who portrayed strong and confident body postures, had higher levels of testosterone (think Wonder Woman pose) and this proves that “faking it” can actually help you “make it!” If you act confident (or stand in a power pose alone in front of your mirror) even for just five minutes a day, you become more confident.