Your body’s energy levels drop when your metabolism slows down. We give you the low down on what causes this and why it can also lead to weight gain.
Skipping breakfast is a bad idea
This causes you to overeat at your next meal and while this is happening, your body will try to conserve as much energy as possible. And when your body conserves energy, it stores calories as fat.
Lack of calcium
While some people may not enjoy the taste of milk, it is a good idea to find another calcium filled product. Yoghurt or cheese are great milk substitutes that are filled with calcium, which plays a role in regulating your metabolism. Calcium also assists in determining if your body burns calories or stores them as fat.
An irregular eating schedule
People who nibble a lot or don’t eat around the same time every day, gain more weight than people who eat at regular intervals. Eating at the same time every day trains your body to burn more calories in between meals.
Eating too little
We may think that eating less will help us lose weight but your body needs food to make energy. When you skimp on calories, your body switches into starvation mode, which slows down your metabolic rate to conserve the fuel it has.
All of your bodily functions including your metabolism needs water to work. If your body is dehydrated you burn fewer calories.
Lack of sleep
The less you sleep, the less energy your body has and this will cause it to burn fewer calories because you move less. Your body needs to rest in order for your organs and body to be refreshed for the next day.