Although mental health is not an everyday conversation, panic attacks can and do happen to anyone, but not all of us would know how to deal with them. A panic attack can be described as a sudden and overwhelming emotion of strong anxiety that can disable you. SADAG provides a survival kit to turn to in case of a panic attack:

Take time out and slow down
Slow down your rate of breathing, racing thoughts and entire body, from head to toe. Then slowly resume your previous activities.
Change your scenery
Picture a relaxing scene using all your senses and imagine yourself in this scene or picture a person you trust, someone who believes in you, supports you and cares about your well-being and start imagining the person is with you and offering you encouragement. If there are places available, take a stroll or talk to anyone around you.
Use your mind to travel
Try to recall a time you handled a similar situation well, or try to bring to mind a past success and the good feeling you experienced that time or focus on the present, and concrete objects around you. You can make a game out of noticing details or inventing questions about every object you identify.
Keep your mind occupied
Count backwards from 20 and with every number, picture a different image of love, something that pleases and calms you down. You can also occupy your mind with an absorbing task, like planning your schedule for the day or the evening; planning a sumptuous meal from the appetiser through to dessert and imagining yourself eating one bite of every course.
Be Positive
Remind yourself that attacks always end – always. Also remember that panic is not dangerous.
Own your space
Take a giant yawn and stretch your body, head to toe; then allow yourself to feel anger towards the anxiety. Vow not to let panic win over you because you deserve better.
Lastly, if all else fails, take as deep a breath as you can, and hold it as long as you can. Use one of the other strategies to occupy your mind. Your physical symptoms should come down.