If anything, being independent has taught me to stand my ground. It would be nice to call a friend or ask for advice from my mother to solve my problems, but I have realised there is a great lesson in dealing with issues alone. You may find these guidelines beneficial and useful when you don’t know who else to turn to but yourself.

It’s easy to blame others when things go wrong. It’s healthier to admit when you are at fault. That way, you stop wasting time playing the ‘blame game’, and take control by correcting your mistakes.
There won’t always be a cheerleader to push you towards your goals. Be stronger by learning to encourage yourself. Do this by appreciating and valuing your self-worth.
This sounds better said than done, but like any superhero, you must use your powers. Use all opportunities to shine and take charge of your own work. Stand up for yourself, whether it’s at work or home.
Before taking any action, make sure you’ve thought through your decision. Be mindful of what you say, how you act and treat others. If you know your friend will start a screaming match with you because you asked about her ugly hairstyle, walk away or don’t say anything at all.
Ever asked yourself how it is that Superman always has his suit on, ready to tackle his next mission? Well, that is because he is always prepared. You should be ready for anything that may come your way. Find your weakness and work on changing it. Exercise, pray and read positive quotes to uplift your spirit.